Made to Stay is part of a growing nationwide movement known as “villages”. The movement began with the formation of the Beacon Hill Village in Boston in 2001. The idea of forming a “village organization” here in the Paducah/McCracken County came as the result of seeing an NBC Nightly News segment where Brian Williams was interviewing his in-laws who are part of a village in Connecticut. The name of their village is Staying Put in New Canaan and the segment which aired on January 24, 2014 can be seen below. “We were already so aware of the needs of seniors all around us and the “village” concept just made sense. We began to research the idea. We had several community meetings to determine if there was an interest in our community in starting our own “village”. We had nothing but a positive response to the idea.” says Founder-Carol Wright
Four of us, now known as the Leadership team, began meeting in our homes and formulating some ideas. We had our first organizational meeting with our Founding Board of Directors on June 9, 2014. We have received, and continue to receive, much support from the national Village-to-Village Network and other villages that are already in operation. We are especially grateful to Vivian Fleenor and the Bardstown At Home village for coming along side us in this new venture.
Made to Stay began taking members and offering services on January 1, 2015. We have very sweet and precious members and volunteers. It has been a very rewarding experience for all those who are involved. We received our 501(c)(3) status in May 2015 (retroactive to September 2014), which means we are officially a tax-deductible charitable organization.